embroidered UK These Colors Don't Run Flag
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Act Of Valor Bandito Platoon
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ Elvis Combat search and rescue
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Brazzers
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Molon Labe
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ The Louder You Scream
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered ISAF Task Force Kandahar Afghanistan
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Polish Multinational Division Central-South Iraq
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered British Army Taliban Hunting Club
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Red Squadron Indian
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered MARSOC Marine Raider

Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.

embroidered PJ Superman
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Operation Iraqui Freedom
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered ANA Commando
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered JW GROM
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Red Squadron Indian Skull
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Have a Nice Day
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Shooter Team
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Infidel
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Navy Seal Insigna
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Navy Seal Insigna
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Colpo Grosso
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Mio Figlio Poteva Morire
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Bear Grylls
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.