embroidered ODA 3335
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered You Are Here
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 185th RRAO Spartan 12
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Sniper
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Make Italy Impero Romano Again
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Make Vagina Great Again
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered We Do Bad Things To Bad People
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ Call Sign
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered USA Punisher Flag
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 1th San Marco Regiment Per Mare Per Terram
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered FDNY Ladder 2 8th battalion
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered GOI Camp Arena TF45
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 9th Col Moschin Camp Arena TF45
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 9th Col Moschin Raider
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 4th Monte Cervino Ranger Alpine Paratropper...
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 120th Company 9th Col Moschin Regiment
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered I'm Lovin'It
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered I'm Lovin'It
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Abdul Don't Surf Afghanistan
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Camel Toe Inspector
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Batman
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 1st Special Service Force - The Black Devils'...
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 1st Special Service Force - The Black Devils'...
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Join Or Die
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.