embroidered 4th Monte Cervino Ranger Alpine Paratropper...
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 120th Company 9th Col Moschin Regiment
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Abdul Don't Surf Afghanistan
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Join Or Die
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered MARSOC Marine Raider Stiletto
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ MedEx Express
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ CSAR Special Missions Aviator
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Seal Team Mal Ad Osteo Bonefrog
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Gold Squadron Lion
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Gold Squadron Crusader Cross
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Act Of Valor Punisher
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Stars and Stripes Punisher
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Gold Saqudron Lion
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Grumpy Cat H8s you Tard Corps
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered God Will Judge Our Enemies
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 22nd SAS Special Air Service
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered ISAF
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ Shaka Sign
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered MACV-SOG Afghanistan
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Seal Team Six Bonefrog
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered AFSOC MC-130 Goose 18
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Delta Force Molon Labe
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Act Of Valor Bandito Platoon
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered PJ Elvis Combat search and rescue
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.