embroidered Australia Flag
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered TF45 Jolly Roger
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered ISAF
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Taliban Headshot
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Molon Labe
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Devgru Red Squadron Indian
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Infidel
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Navy Seal Insigna
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Navy Seal Insigna
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Mio Figlio Poteva Morire
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered I Love My Beard
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered You Can Run But You'll Only Die Tired
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered Join Or Die
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered MacGyver Multitool
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered U.S. NAVY Name Tape
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
embroidered 1$ Mustache Rides
Embroidered patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc Medic Cross
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc If I Tell You I Have to Kill You
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc UK Flag - Union Jack - United Kingdom
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc Molon Labe Shield
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc Infidel
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc Poaching Prevention Club
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc Terrorist Baptism
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.
pvc If You Heard My Shoot I wasn't Aiming For You
PVC patch with Velcro® backing.